Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Post

Lavish Luxurious Lace

The meaning and general idea of this trend would be to incorporate lace into just about every aspect of fashion possible in a tasteful, presentable and innovative fashion.  Although lace may carry a certain negative connotation with certain groups as either being too matronly or too sexual, there is actually a perfect common ground where lace can be used and showcased in garments making it appealing to a wide variety of customers.  Younger girls looking for a sexy dress, middle aged women looking for tasteful, beautiful but still youthful clothing, or even older more conservative women looking for lace just as an accessory or design accent.

One example of something a teenage or twenty something girl might purchase when looking for something with lace in it.  This still follows the trend without being too matronly, too revealing or too expensive.  This type of lace design detailing is inexpensive and is easy to incorporate into any wardrobe.  
This picture of Drew Barrymore is a good example of lace still being used in a garment, but in a more mature but not matronly way.  This dress is not quite as light and playful as the dress above, but still has youthful qualities and shows enough skin without being too revealing.  

This jacket is a  example of what a conservative, more mature woman would wear as a lace piece.  The jacket provides maximum coverage and is also a beautiful trendy piece that can easily be paired with anything.  

The colors that can be used for this particular trend are somewhat limited.  Lace colors usually come in shades of black, white or tan (antique color).  Although, engineering lace prints allows for different base colors to be used behind the lace print to bring out the lace.  Bright red's and yellows are flattering colors for lace if you correctly and tastefully.  one thing to remember about lace; it can go real wrong real fast. 

Finally, who is going to buy all of this amazing lace.  The correct answer is; everyone.  There is no person or wardrobe that cant have some piece of lace incorporated into it.  As stated above, there are a multitude of methods an options of lace garments and materials.  Young girls to old women or even MEN can have some sort of lace piece,  Be it underwear, a dress, a jacket or leggings, lace is a fun, trendy and beautiful textile that everyone can have a little fun with.  However, if there had to be one specific group that was going to be profiled as the target customer, I would have to say it would be younger women.  The lace being used on garments for that particular age group are cheaper to manufacture and for the consumers to purchase.  They are also the ones likely to do the most shopping and to be the closest one to follow the trends.       

Monday, November 22, 2010

Portabello Road Boutique

On Sunday afternoon, I went to Portabello Road Boutique off of Eltoro Road with Omar.  I had never been there before so I was excited to see what it was going to be like.  It was much larger than I imagined and much cleaner too.  There were about 20 racks filled with mainly womens clothing.  The mens clothing was in the back right of the stoor in front of a giant british flag.  There were only about two racks of that.  We asked a woman working there what sold the most and she said a bit of everything (aside from mens) and that the hunt for 70's abnd 80's clothing had been big lately.  Omar took particular intrest to a pair of womens shoes that were some kinda of swiss leather for only $100...WHAT A DEAL?!?!......

My only complaint would be that some of the clothes were clearly worn and made them less attractive.  Overall though, I was pleased with the experience and would go back there again if I wanted/needes some vintage clothing. 

What a happy camper.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Avant-garde for the market.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Website Reviews- Premiere Vision/Expofil

Premier Vision-This website was difficult to navigate to say the least.  The avatar looking woman on the front screen is anything but inviting as well.  The language barrier wasnt even the problem..I speak french. The entire set up was difficult to follow.  The pages took their sweet time to load and werent even worth the wait.  The one thing was was interesting was that I actually got to bone up on my french for a little bit.  Some of the photographs were also interesting but the overall information was nothing too useful.  Overall, I do not think that I would use this website to gather forecasting information.  If i was forced too though, the one thing that this website might provide is a view at European fashion and a different perspective on the coming trends.

Expofil- This website was MUCH easier to navigate than the last part because it was in english.  Maybe there was an english button for the last website too? Anyway, the information here was much more thorough.  "Expofil places special importance on the services it provides visitors. In particular, the show offers complete and high-performing trend information in terms of colours, yarn choices or ideas for new developments".  This statement really invites and draws in website viewers and makes them want to explore more of the website.  I would absolutely use this website to see future trends or to gather fashion information.  The knowledge and information about various textiles provides a large database of information about a multitude of textiles.  

Monday, October 4, 2010

What fashion type are you??

The artist guy...are rare form of man found in orange county that can be either asmazingly interesting or just plain out there.  Lucky for me, i have many aert friends at my disposal and use them quite frequently.  For this particular assignment, I decided to catch up with an old friend of mine from High School who makes t-shirts to raise awareness for issues such as catrina, the haiti earthquake, the invisible children in africa and many other world issues.  Here I have a picture of drew wearing one of his own designs that he made after seeing the movie "Invisible Children". 
This is one of the many shirts.  A white cotton shirt with an invisible children logo stenseled onto it complete with a 'rasta' style africa over the heart.    You can find many different shirts made by Drew and his friends at Mission Viejo High School on facebook. 

In life there are many different types of people; serious people, fun peoplem, boring people...the list goes on and on of the different types of stereotypes that society seems to pidgeon people into.  Ironically, there is almost no one group of clothing that people can be put into (uniforms aside).  We live in a fashion world where anyone can wear pretty much to anything they want and still be look convincing or put together.  You cabn wear a deginer top and place it with a pear of cheap tights and look fantastic.  There are almost no rules or boundries anymore. 

One particilar look that I am very fond of is the glamorous look.  The ultra fabulous and over the topic aspect of fashion all pilled into one outfit. 
This dress is from Alexander Mcqueens Resort 2009 collection.  It is a yellow cotton dress with a lace overlay.  This dress alone is a fabulous look and piece.  You could wear something like this anywhere and everywhere.  But without a few fabulous accessories, it lacks that certain glamorous appeal that I am looking for.  I would most likely pair this with Celcitc Lace tights also by Alexander Mcqueen from the Fall/Winter 2010 collection, and Christian Louboutin lace shoes. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fashion Icons...look at them go.

The queen herself.  Lady Gaga, known to fans as "Mother Monster" has taken over the Music and Fashion Industry in under two short years.  From meat dresses to shooting sparks out of her business, there's nothing that Lady Gaga hasn't or wont wear.  Her latest statement was at the MTV VMA awards where she wore 3 different outfits/costumes.  One, a Alexander McQueen Fall/Winter 2010 gown and the other, a meat dress.  Gaga did receive some negative commentary from groups such as PETA for wearing raw meat.  Regardless, it was a fabulous attempt and something that will not be forgotten for a very long time.  But how long will her bizarre fashion stay interesting?  Watching a car crash is only so entertaining but eventually you become jaded and find something easier to look at. 
Lady Gaga in her music video "Bad Romance" wearing a polar bear cap and Alexander Mcqueen shoes.

Daphnie Guiness.  

Normally I dont have much respect or appreciation for people who are well known simply for being rich thin and fabulous, but Daphnie Guinness is the one and only exception.  A close friend and patron of Alexander McQueen, Daphnie gives Lady Gaga a run for her money in the most fabulous way possible.
In the picture below, Guiness is wearing one of her many Philip Treacy hats along with a piece that she bought from Isabella blow's closet.  Blows closet was said to go on auction after she killed herself, but Guiness managed to buy every piece before they were sold to "people".  Blows closet included dozens of Alexander McQueen pieces, thousands of Manolo Blahnik's and countless couture pieces.   

Guiness in one of Isabella Blows couture pieces.  

Guinness is obsessed with Mcqueen wearing a Red Opera Coat from Alexander McQueens Fall/ Winter 2008-2009 Collection.

Guiness in another McQueen collection piece complete with the Armadillo Shoe.  Guiness was the first celebrity brave enough to wear the Armadillo shoe which she said are not difficult to walk in once you get the hang of it.  There are only 21 armadillo shoes in the world and guiness has one of the pair.  The shoes range from a modest $3,900 to $10,000 depending on the type of skin and material.

Its a new design concept...right?

In fashion, nothing is really new.  From the shoulder pads to leather pants, history always manages to play some sort of roll in 'new' fashion designs whether it be obvious or subtle.  
On the top have an artists interpretation of what the original volume filled dresses may have looked like.  On the bottom, some hundred years later, we have the Alexander McQueen 2009 fall line where multiple volumouse dresses were shown such as this large hounds tooth piece. 

Excuse me...I can't see over your hat.
No lady is complete without her hat.  And no one knows more about that than legendary hat designer Phillip Treacy.  On the left we have another artists interpretation of some of the earliest large hats.  On the right we have another work of art by hat master to the stars, Phillip Treacy. 


The ladies of the 80's and the golden girls arent the only ones who appreciate a nice shoulder pad.  Fashion Icons such Rihanna, Victoria Beckham and Katy Perry have recently been spotted sporting an elevated shoulder. The shoulder pad has permeated the fall collections of many designers.